Switch plinth lamp. “Heater controls.” Does not include wiring lead and bulbholder. The retaining clip tha goes in the center of the bar is also not included. We hope to source this clip in the future, but it is currently not available. TR6 (1973-76). 219139, 633-385.
Switch plinth lamp. “Heater controls.” Does not include wiring lead and bulbholder. The retaining clip tha goes in the center of the bar is also not included. We hope to source this clip in the future, but it is currently not available. TR6 (1973-76). 219139, 633-385.
Switch plinth lamp. “Heater controls.” Does not include wiring lead and bulbholder. The retaining clip tha goes in the center of the bar is also not included. We hope to source this clip in the future, but it is currently not available. TR6 (1973-76). 219139, 633-385.